It felt like fate, the first time you saw her; yelling at the taxi to stop and let you out; you knew if you passed this moment up you may never get another chance. Gazing up through the glass, she wore the most perfect dress you’ve ever seen, satin folds wrapping her up like a lover. But what held your gaze was higher up: the sunglasses; subtly jewel shaped with a certain something you can’t name but had you running through traffic to get to them. Introducing ‘Mannequin’— the frames you’ve been searching your whole life for.
- Details: Gold toned stainless steel detailing, bio nylon category 3 lenses UV400, 100% protection from UVA and UVB, Velvet Canyon gold toned logo on temple, Vegan leather pouch and cleaning cloth
- 100% Acetate Renew Frame
- Imported